Summer’s End EP now available!

Happy holidays from Mojo’s Army! You’re all on our naughty list and we love you for it!  So for you, the fans, here it is — a free download of the new Summer’s End EP! 5 songs in Mp3 format. Download the whole EP (32MB zip file) or individual songs.All we ask is that if you like what you hear, you tell your friends about it. Take them down, pass them around. Spread the word!

You can also stream or buy the album on Bandcamp.

BONUS – sweet new shirts in the Mojostore! Email us a photo of you wearing any Mojo’s Army attire and get featured in our gallery! Include your mailing address and we’ll send you a bonus gift. You won’t be sorry. Promise.

Summer's End Cover

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Summer’s End FREE EP Drops Dec. 15!

Call us crazy — we are prereleasing the new EP “Summer’s End” independently, right here, on on December 15. For free. For you. Yes, knowing that free can sound desperate, knowing that free can sound like it will be worth what you pay for it. Gladly we know it’s better than that.

On December 15 you will be able to download the Summer’s End MP3s here at, and stream it in its entirety at and SoundCloud. In January, Summer’s End will also be available in high-res versions at iTunes, and Rhapsody.

We want our music on your iPod. We want it in your ears. To that end we say if you like it, download it and pass it along to a friend. If you really like it and think it’s worth something, drop us a PayPal donation to show your support and help keep the music coming. In the meantime we’ll continue to make the best music we can and try to get it placed in a film, game or tv show. (If you know a music director or someone who can make this happen, all the better!)

Selected songs from the “Summer’s End” EP are already playing at our Reverbnation, Facebook, and MySpace sites! Join our mailing list and follow us on Twitter for news of other fan exclusives!

Rock on, and as always, thanks for your support of Mojo’s Army! We salute you!

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It seemed like it was meant to be. I was on the bus on my way to my day job, thinking for some reason that I felt like writing a song. Yes, even though I had said I wouldn’t write anything new until the “Summer’s End” EP was out the door. And I thought, what’s on my mind? Besides sex of course. Always of course. Well, I’ve been watching way too much baseball over the last couple months — you know, since JUNE — and I wanted to see if I could write a rally type sports song. So I did. I wrote a few lines, then a chorus, then some more lines… And I twisted it just enough, as I like to do, so that it works on more than one level. Always of course.

Then I saw the email saying that 2K Sports was looking for a song for the 2K11 Baseball game. Deadline: October 15.

Quickly I went to line up the lyrics with my library of orphaned recordings and felt like I had a match, a killer riff that I was saving for a special occasion. And Wednesday the 12th I went to work.

Warning: method spoilers ahead!

I picked 130 BPM as a good tempo for an upbeat song — a little faster than my usual — and instead of a boring click set a thumping kick sample to work. Since I nearly always have the lyric melody in mind when I put the words down, I recorded the vocals FIRST. Then I worked with the prerecorded riff, first rerecording it and then playing off it. It didn’t take long for me to veer off course playing to the vocals and ended up with new riffs altogether. Since I only had a couple of free hours to do my recording I quickly came up with possible verse, chorus, and bridge lines, recording a few variations I could rearrange later in Logic. Then I went back and recorded a few variations of bass lines.

Over the course of the evening and part of the next day I would spend some hours cutting, pasting the riffs, mixing as I went, using the Line 6 Pod Farm 2 plugin for my major tone effects on guitar, bass and vocals. I rerecorded some of the vocals and a quick one-shot solo on Thursday night. By then I had the intro and the first verse through first chorus done, and a rough arrangement of the rest of the song. Much left to do. I stayed up late Thursday night to finish arranging as I wanted to only do minor tweaks and mastering Friday morning. And had a flash of an idea for an outro, grabbing some samples from that I could mash together.

Of course, I still had to go to work. Picture me on a bus, mixing furiously on a laptop with the Pod GX cable snaking out of my backpack.

By the Friday evening deadline I had a fully mixed and self-mastered rock song, not perfect (is anything, ever?) but pretty damn good, called “Balls in Play” and went to upload it to the 2K listing via Sonicbids. The first question that came up during the submission process: Have you played any sold-out concerts in an arena? And that was it. This turned out not to be an indie-artist listing at all. Balls.

AND YET, and yet… I feel very satisfied. This was like a final test of everything I’ve learned in the last few years and I feel like I passed! In 2005 I didn’t even own a guitar. Now I have the tools and ability to produce music at will. Bonus: now I have another song for the “Summer’s End” EP, and that killer riff will become an instrumental. All for you. No charge. Coming soon.

Here it is, “Balls in Play”. Dedicated to the San Francisco Giants!

Balls in Play

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