Free Beer!

IThunderpussyt’s Strong Beer Month in San Francisco and for the month of February, you can download my beer-inspired song “Thunderpussy” from It’s Hard and its dance remix “Thunderpussy (Salty Sweet Mix)” from Big Tips for free! You may not know it to hear the song, but it was inspired by Magnolia Pub‘s Old Thunderpussy Barleywine which comes out every February during SF’s Strong Beer Month.

Magnolia’s Dave McLean, who knows my face well after 10 years of patronage, said “oh, you wrote that?”. End of anecdote. He’s a Grateful Dead kind of fella, as you probably could guess. I did throw Beck-ish keys into the original to give it a Haight Street vibe but it’s still a Mojo’s Army jam after all.

So stream it, download it, pass it along, but whatever you do, enjoy!

Download from Bandcamp: Thunderpussy

Download from Bandcamp: Thunderpussy (Salty Sweet Mix)

Cheers and beers,
Mojo \m/ \m/

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Year in Review – 2014

What a year for Mojo’s Army!

Here I thought I was going to finish the Red Days EP, and what happened instead was the beginning of a killer collaboration with guitarists Troy Jay Adams and Jay Hale. We’ve released three songs so far, have three more in the works and are calling ourselves “The Answer is None”. The songs are currently on my Soundcloud and YouTube. At this rate, look for a possible album in 2015! The sound is what you’re used to, heavy, groovy, yet more epic and melodic. Fans of Black Sabbath, Judas Priest, and Queensryche will be pleased. Toss in a little Van Halen and we have something! Here’s the most recent one, “I Know”

Mojo’s Army did release two originals, the soulful ballad “Bittersweet” and the angry, punky “Nothing to Say” which will lead off the upcoming “Red Days” EP.

I can’t wait to see what 2015 has in store musically, thanks for continuing this journey with me. Remember that my entire catalog is streaming at my YouTube channel and is available for purchase for virtually nothing at Bandcamp. Support independent musicians!

Happy holidays and have a rockin New Year!

\m/ \m/

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Mojo’s Pick of the Week – The Answer Is None

MPick of the Weekojo, Adams and Hale combined forces previously to release the single Acted Upon, and have now named themselves “The Answer is None”. We’ve enlisted Michael Andrew on drums and have just released our latest collective effort “I Know” under our new name!

Fans of Judas Priest, Monster Magnet, and Deftones will dig this dark and twisted track, enjoy!

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