I’ve been on a bit of a Stoner / sludge / doom metal kick lately, and the face-melting fuzz of Sweden’s DoomDogs fills the bill nicely. In the vein of White Witch Canyon, they sound like a cross between Motorhead and Black Sabbath. Grab them on vinyl or CD. Digipak CD folds out to an upside-down cross a la Danzig. Doomtastic!
Tag Archives: music monday
Mojo’s Pick of the Week: Underlined
Fans of Rob Zombie, Marilyn Manson and Powerman 5000 will love this week’s pick, the gas-mask-sporting crew of Underlined! This Florida band’s multi-layered blend of metal and industrial is heavy as hell while at the same time unexpectedly melodic. My understanding is that Underlined began as a solo project by leader H7 and grew into a full-fledged band, now on the verge of releasing their debut full-length album “Deadtime Stories”. A demo release entitled Truth and Denial is available through iTunes. 100% brilliant.
Mojo’s Pick of the Week: How to Destroy Angels
How To Destroy Angels is the latest project from Nine Inch Nails’ Trent Reznor, featuring his lovely new wife Mariqueen Maandig on vocals. Self-produced and self-distributed, they are technically an indie band, but — not surprisingly — easily come across as slick and well-packaged as any major label release. At turns haunting, sticky-smooth, grating, and disturbing, HDA is highly recommended listening for fans of NIN.
Their debut EP dropped on 6/1/2010 as a free digital download in return for your email address at howtodestroyangels.com