Mojo’s Pick of the Week – Sideburn

sideburnSweden’s Sideburn hails back to the hair metal days of the late 1990s. But they’re still bringing the noise with their brand of what they call “pub rock”, which doesn’t quite do their heavy rock n’ roll sound justice. They were just featured in the (excellent) movie “The Wolverine” and are on the verge of releasing their latest effort “Electrify” next week. Fans of ballsy rock in the vein of AC/DC and Airborne will dig Sideburn, check them out at!

Sideburn on the web

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Mojo’s Pick of the Week – Scorpion Child

scorpionchildFans of Black Sabbath, Dio, Mountain, and any number of 70’s heavy fuzz rock bands will find that Austin’s Scorpion Child feels like your comfortable old Converse kicks and equally makes you want to jump around and dance and maybe break shit. These guys are solid as hell, and bring their unashamed retro style right in your face like a fisted glove. They’ve played with the mighty Clutch, among others, and are on tour right now to promote their just-released self titled debut album. Catch them at Slim’s SF on September 23!

SCORPION CHILD – Polygon Of Eyes

Find them on the interwebs here:


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New YouTube Videos!

Hey Rockers – I took all of the songs from the “Summer’s End” and “Big Tips” EPs and remastered them in Logic X, then made YouTube videos of the full EPs for your streaming pleasure! Bonus for me – I gots Logic X chops now. Bonus for you – the best-sounding versions of these songs are available now, free, right here!

Summer’s End (2012) – hard rock

Big Tips – (2012) – heavy remixes

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