Summer’s End EP now available!

Happy holidays from Mojo’s Army! You’re all on our naughty list and we love you for it!  So for you, the fans, here it is — a free download of the new Summer’s End EP! 5 songs in Mp3 format. Download the whole EP (32MB zip file) or individual songs.All we ask is that if you like what you hear, you tell your friends about it. Take them down, pass them around. Spread the word!

You can also stream or buy the album on Bandcamp.

BONUS – sweet new shirts in the Mojostore! Email us a photo of you wearing any Mojo’s Army attire and get featured in our gallery! Include your mailing address and we’ll send you a bonus gift. You won’t be sorry. Promise.

Summer's End Cover

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Mojo’s Pick of the Week: Thirteen Seven

The music of Edinburgh’s Thirteen Seven is a chewy, nutty candy bar of hooks and riffs that calls Muse to mind as much as it does Stone Temple Pilots. This power trio released their first album “Illuminated” earlier this year and are currently riding a wave of great reviews. Hear them now on the band’s MySpace!


Thirteen Seven band

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September Progress

What’s up rockers! Sun’s out, feelin good!

Here’s what’s been going on in the Mojo’s Army base camp:

The title song and cover art for the EP “Summer’s End” are complete! Download the full MP3 of “Summer’s End” free on our audio page!

Summer's End Cover

The next song “The Beast” is being mixed now and will also be released for free here as well. Followed closely by the rest of the EP. Soon, rockers, soon!

More news on the way. For now, keep in touch on Twitter and Facebook, or comment right on our site. And keep rockin!!


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